13 years ago
Crystals as weapons

I was in Lake Mary walking down Greenway Blvd from the Rain Tree subdivision and walking home to get ready for work. I vaguely notice that there is a middle aged man with short gray hair walking or jogging down the street. I see a HUGE cobra across the street slithering and dancing and I'm absolutely astonished by the size of this snake. After the snake has my attention he immediately shapeshifts into a tiny cat with a triangle face. I look closer and see that it's a baby lion with a shorter haircut. The lion turned into a griffin after watching it for a moment. The man was next to me at this point saying if I thought that was amazing, I should see what it did last week.

Somehow ended up in my house and this guy (Norman? Reginald?Peter? Something proper and old-manny) was trying to force himself onto me. I was trying to ask him politely to leave and he wasn't listening. I looked down at his pants and saw that my house key was sticking out of his pocket and I knew that he had the intention of returning when I was unaware. I was trying to force him out the front door and explaining that I had a baby and I needed to keep her safe. He was fighting me about leaving and I had his back against the wall and grabbed my iron oxidized quartz cluster and smashed him in the face with it. I remember feeling like I was really smart for doing it and grabbed another couple clusters and knocked him good a couple times.

He was trying to be sensual and playful about the attack, and told me that I should be careful when I let my lover choke me because he could easily pop a blood vessel or injure me permanently. I was slightly embarrassed that he knew about me enjoying rough sexual play. He also started coming onto me and told me that he loved me.

I was slightly concerned about being late for work since I was late yesterday and didn't want to piss off Cynthia and let her think that I was just taking advantage of them or something and I called Matt to see if he could help me get rid of this guy and he told me that it sounded like a personal problem.

I remembered that Chris had recently given me a knife for protection and I ran into the kitchen to get it off the table. I tried to cut the guy's chest and face and the knife was ridiculously dull. I jabbed him in the face with the tip of the knife a couple times and remembered that I knew that this attack was coming a while before from a premonition. I somehow ended up knocking this guy out and what I thought was kill him- and he was naked and I threw his body in my neighbor Johnny's front yard.

As I was coming back inside he regenerated another body and was there following me again. He wasn't even pissed off that I had killed him a moment ago. I looked out my window to make certain I wasn't hallucinating and the body was still there. It looked gray to me and very dead.

I called Matt again and he told me that I probably shouldn't stab the guy since I would have to deal with the legal repercussions of such actions and that drowning him would really be the more intelligent option. He also told me that I should call the police instead of him.

I was standing in my kitchen with this guy and a girl in a peasant shirt walked into my living room and I guess she was my roommate. I felt very barged in on and tried to hide the whole incident from her. I remember looking into a part of the house thinking that maybe I could make that section my own little area and how I would fit mine and Ember's things in there most efficiently.

I ended up taking this guy into the pool and trying to drown him by standing on his back but he continued to resurface for air. I was holding a baby girl and moving her body in and out of the water and she was able to breathe underwater and wasn't pissed at all that I kept putting her in and out of the water.

I went into my room to get away from everyone because I felt like there were people invading all of my space and as soon as I went to shut the door I realized there was no lock on the door. My mom just pushed open the door and was making me angry because I wanted my own space and she wouldn't respect that. I pushed her away from me and felt really smothered.

I went to dinner with my mom and Ray and we went to my work which had apparently morphed into a fine dining restaurant. I remember it being distinctly 11pm but it still being light outside. Matt wasn't mad I was late, and served us appetizers. I remember seeing a zucchini dish. I thought I saw Cynthia so I excused myself to go explain to her my scenario and why I was so late for work and missed the Rock and Gem show. Cynthia turned out to be a sexy goth chick with black hair and a labret piercing so I didn't tell this girl anything.

I walked straight down the hall to the bathroom and went into a stall and as soon as I started to relieve myself a girl in pink barged into my stall with her breasts exposed and also part of her stomach. She told me that her name was "Brittany Woman" and I told her there was no doubt in my mind that she was a woman.

I went to go brush my teeth and wash my hands at the sink (the bathroom morphed into my home bathroom) and a blonde girl (maybe my roommate?) told me that the toothbrush I was using was actually hers and I looked down to see my tools for evolution necklace in the drain and I pulled it out.


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