almost 13 years ago
ice cream
"I'm Going To Feel Bad Killing You Over Ice Cream"

I was with my Family. We were In this strange ocean type place, where we just swam from location to location. There were these boat type stores that we would stop at and check out. I remember it being Oregon, yet water at the same time. It was not just a vast sea, there was character to it. We were swimming east. To east Oregon, and I remember being amazed by how beautiful it was. The orange colors were so new. But we were swimming. I remember giving my Mom my wallet and phone and things to put into her bag so they wouldn't get wet. Carly and I were having a political debate the whole time. It was so elongated because as usual I was being interrupted. My point was: If someone runs off of the platform of change, and one of getting out of wars, and more importantly one of ending bank corruption and not being a candidate for wall street. Yet - Nothing changes. Yet - No wars are ended, but started. Yet - No corruption charges are perused only payoffs in forms of bailouts. But we kept swimming east. We would come across these floating buildings, hang on to them. Try to raise ourselves up and get some rest from swimming. They would start to sink and we would have to move on.
We made it to this collection of stores like that though. They were on this T shaped dock. There were probably 4-5 different stores. I found this one that served ice cream cones. I ordered one it was $2.50. I realized I left my wallet with my mom so I went to get Carly to ask her to pay for it. When I came back $5 the ice cream cone they built me was gone, I assumed they would give me a new one. I gave they guy 5 dollars and he pulled out this huge wad of cash. He put the whole thing out in front of me while he continued to go through his wallet. This girl to the right of me who I didn't know sneakily pulled out the bottom 10th of this wad - probably like 10-15 bills of different sizes. I pulled one out since I knew I couldn't get away with more. She was cool. This guy gave me back my change and then I asked for my ice cream. He said that I already got it. I told him that I didn't. He said someone must have took it and that I should have taken better care. I said that was bullshit and he better give me a new one. I went to get some help and found my family at the other end of the dock. They were looking at this store that was "The Bier Stien" My favorite! I was amazed to see one in this terrible location, I almost got distracted from my ice cream cone but I wanted to deal with that so I went back.
Now a woman was working at the counter. She had seen the confrontation between the other worker and I. I told her that I needed to get what I payed for or there would be consequences. I said "I will fuck this place up!" I had kicking over the table in mind among other things. She said she would fuck me up. I was not afraid this bitch was older and skinny, regardless I am not afraid unless a weapon is involved. And thats what happened next. She came around the counter and pulled out two - not one - but two blades. One was just a box cutter, the other was this skinny spyderco looking knife. I told her I didn't want it coming to this since I would feel bad fucking killing her over some ice cream. I pulled out my blade just to show I had it. Then I put it back and said "Now give me my fucking ice cream!" she kept walking at me with both blades. I grabbed both of her hands struggling to close the open knifes. I was successful but not with out cutting my hands and fingers up pretty bad. I then took both of her knifes and dropped them threw the dock into the sea depths. I looked for the bitch but she was gone. Fleeing with out the use of a weapon. I showed my mom the cuts.

Ring ring ring...

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