almost 13 years ago
epic movie dream

IT all started when I was a little girl. I was living in some kind of a huge underwater compound living structure, rather like a series of tunnels and bubbles connected together. It was always dark, the only light being an artificial blueish light to keep our bodies used to being awake and sleeping on a normal schedule. I was young, maybe five or six, when I had the first of many experiences that would change my life drastically.
There was a group of scientists who would spend a lot of time on Earth. They were all looking for some kind of cure to The Sickness, or at least that is what I understood as a child, living underwater.
One day, two of the scientists were in my quarters, experimenting. You see, I was part of the experiment as well, being a child with no parents or other children to play with meant that I spent a great deal of time with the scholars and scientists. This particular day my favorite scientist Laurali was just back from Earth with something that had her and the older man scientist she was always with extremely excited. I was sitting on my bed when they came rushing in, locking the door behind them and shushing me to silence as they set up microscopes and carefully took a strange, glowing substance out of her pack. I watched carefully as they took this precious glowing stuff and placed a tiny amount in a petri dish and looked. They were both quiet, but I could tell by the way they gestured to one another that something big was happening. I had this thing I used to do, a way of playing with lights that would keep me entertained for hours, and out of some kind of curiosity I called to the lights, for they were little energies that could float or disappear when they wished it, ans I seemed to always have some close by. Anyhow, several 'glowies' (that was what I called them) came and landed on my hand but one went straight to the little satchel of glowing stuff from Earth, getting both my attention and that of the scientists. All at one moment, they saw something IN me that they needed to save and i got a knowledge of something precious on earth that needed me to save it. Laura grabbed me and told me to get dressed and pack for a small trip. I got dressed and told her that I had nothing I would wish to take, just me and my 'glowies'. She took my hand and we rushed through a series of maze-like tunnels until we reached a docking spot and what I guessed to be her ship. After some trouble getting permission to leave so soon after arriving, we took off rushing upward through the dark water until we broke through the surface and I saw with my own eyes for the first time the Sun! I was nearly blinded by the amazing brilliant light, and the color Green..it was so magical. Laura took me around on the ship after we popped out of the water and let me drink it all in, but time was short and she said that there was something that I needed to see. Me a five year old test subject on Earth! I was beside myself with excitement. She landed in a cove near some docks and we got off the ship. She was looking everywhere really cautiously, worried about being seen, and worried about me being seen by the foot soldiers scattered about.We headed towards a single stand of trees, what looked from afar to be four or five massive redwoods but when we got closer we could see that they were all growing from on main trunk which was hollow and full of the glowing stuff that they had been looking at in the lab. There was a little path leading down, and we went down it, leaving the older man to keep watch above. Laura lovingly scooped a hand full up and gently trickled it into my hands. "this is a fungus" she told me "a mold that has a voice, and needs to be heard." Curiously I lifted my hand to my eyes. It looked alive, pulsing with a beat the same as my heart. Suddenly the 'glowies' I had appeared and landed softly on my hand, covered in this fungi ans then the whole place lit up ans started pulsing with a brighter color, almost white instead of the pale blue it was before. I felt its presence near me, and words like music flowing through my body. Laura was unable to move, spellbound by the wild and strange event happening before her eyes. And in one second, I had become the chosen protector of this white dust fungus. It stopped pulsing and I set my hand down, letting it flow back into the hollow in the heart of the trees. The man asked why we were so quiet. Laura just shook her head and said "it choose her". Nothing more was said as we snuck back to the ship and slid back to the underwater fortress that was, more or less, my home.
Years go by. I learn from the books ans text on screens all I need to know. I am now a young woman, around twenty or so. Its been a long time since I have seen Laura or the older man who's name I found out was Paul. I still play with the glowing energy lights, and sometimes they pass messages along from the Earth Fungi in the trees. One day they tell me 'its time' and that I 'had better get there quick something bad about to happen'. So off I go, running to the docks and notice that there are a lot of soldiers being sent to Earth as well. I disguise myself as a soldier and get aboard. That doesn't work, I get kicked off and end up having to steal a small craft. I have basic flying and navigation skills and am ready to take my chances, but somehow Laura appears, ready to get us both out of there. She looks much older and weary. as she has been fighting the whole time I was growing up. I cant stop looking at her, wondering if she is my sister, or mother, or someone that may know how I came to be...
We barely make it through the many obstacles, its dark and stormy when we emerge from the ocean and she has only a hand-held scanner device that is supposed to let us know if there is anything in our path. It doesn't work well, and there are a lot of wires that it doesn't read until last minute. We end up messing the craft up and crash landing somewhere not too far from the Fungi Trees. We wait till morning to move, then I am off running, leaping off things like I am doing parcour until I get to the trees---
I stop, stunned. Its gone, all that remains is a huge pile of dirt and machinery. Soldiers start firing at me so I dive into the cavity and cry because all the Fungi is gone and I was supposed to protect it...huddled there, hunted, I spy an oh so tiny clump of Fungi, tucked away under dirt and waiting for me. As soon as I see it, its begins to pulse again, dark blue and so full of energy and light. I pick it up, then start wondering where I am supposed to do with it....it whispers to 'eat it' so I gently put it in my mouth and swallow. Not a second too soon for just then a soldier appears and yells 'found her' there are more all around me and they get me out of the pit. I go with them willingly, but am starting to feel strange, I ask why do they kill magic, one soldier says hes not sure he just follows orders. I cry some more because I see they are going to destroy the great trees that sheltered the Fungi for so long. I ask where is Laura but the soldier doesn't know. Things are getting weirder and weirder, I am taken to Laura and we both are being held prisoner. Shes being beaten because she fought then and asks that happened to the Trees. I tell her they are going to be blown up, burned to the ground. She cries too but stops when i quietly whisper to her 'its inside of me, my body is its protector'. She goes silent then tells me she knew I was special and the 'chosen one" from the first time she saw me playing with energy-light. She tells me she couldn't see anything except around me they were all light. Then she says she is my mother. We both cry and hold hands. I ask why did I grow up in the Ocean instead of on Earth. She says it wasn't safe then and is still unsafe now. Radiation killed everything, and she was looking for the cure all the time, and the cure is in the fungi. We both grow quiet again. I feel the fungi inside of me, pulsing gently.
It makes me feel fearless and I stand up, telling Laura to come with me. I run away again, and up in some crazy suburbs being chased be a thing in a gray shirt. I climb on top of a house and he isnt far behind me so we fight on top of the house which was really steep and slippery. He falls off and I feel like I am stuck but then the Fungi helps me get down. I keep running, hiding and dodging all the many soldiers all around. Everything is abandoned, empty. I go inside, hiding, and hear soldiers outside say to themselves 'how how am i still alive while breathing all this radiation?' Then I understand that the fungi cleanses radiation by eating it. A great sense of peace that my mission was going to be successful, I would get safely back to the Underwater and make a cure for the rest of the Earth, and for all the sick and mutated people filled me. And then I awoke.

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