over 12 years ago
tarot-like cards
pale calico cat
dreamcatcher cards
dilute tortoiseshell cat
role playing game
Inside the Dreamcatcher Game Matrix - WHO'S CAT WAS IN MY DREAM?

I dreamed of dreamcatcher!
It was an actual dream world /game where elements of this website were represented as reality modules and were navigable. It's sketchy in my mind now. Somehow this website and the energies contained in it were places I could go, things I could do and access. It had similarities to the movie Tron and also to role playing games.

I think sometimes sections of this site - which wasn't a site at all, but a reality - could be represented by cards. The artwork on the cards definitely reflected the graphic look of this site. As did the entire dream.

I did a lot of traveling around in there... as if on a sort of orientation tour. Which actually reflects my reality since I've just started using the site, though I've intended to for years. I didn't meet anyone, yet someone or something was invisibly with me. I had the feeling everybody was out... doing something... maybe on dream missions.

I can remember being inside a module. I'm not sure what it was... but it was a room or section of someone else's home page. It was a private space and I was looking at the floor. Magic items and cards had been laid out on the grey/beige carpeted floor and left 'set up', and there was at least one cat. I felt a bit like I was invading someones personal space. It was in casual disarray. Not that there were any rules to the game. Everything was allowed in the dream game. But It was like being in someones bedroom when they are not home. I remember feeling the cat was magical, and involved somehow. And that there were many cats throughout the game. I thought of my cats back at my home page.

Who's cat is this? Who's room is this?

I've been looking online to find similar photos of cats to post here. Apparently what I saw is called a Dilute Tortoiseshell. I have posted photos that are not exact. This cat was an older female. Smaller head, skinny tail and the markings were very evenly blended almost like one color texture, not spotted. And very very pale. Much lighter than anything I was able to find. I was looking down at it from above and it never looked at me. But I know the eyes were also pale, not green, maybe pale yellow or grey-ish.

The cat was divining magic = following something on the floor. I think perhaps some of these dream catcher cards were laid out. It seemed as if the owner had gone. Maybe was busy in a dream somewhere? I remember feeling that this 'line' the cat was following was pregnant with more magic in the middle area. I also remember thinking back to my 'home page' at that point, and of my cats. It was almost as if cats were important guides, or place holders while we are out in dreamworld.

There was also a presence with me. An abstract thought voice that was kind of guiding me and supervising me as I explored.

This whole thing has very Matrix-like qualities. I feel like I discovered an entirely new reality in the physical universe. And it feels like my waking life is just one dream module of infinite choices in there. Yet I keep waking up in this one.... because I can't remember something.

I wish I could remember better. This is a developing theme in my life.

There is an added layer of strange reality to this due to the fact that recently one of my best friends has been working with a man named Josh: one of the creators of this site and a brilliant film concept called Illuminated. I have been cognizant of that beautiful project for a couple of years, as I'm sure many of us here have.
The weird part is she told me the other day that Josh is coming to stay with me for a few days at my home here in Ojai.
I have never met Josh. That's all I know about him. Although convergence is immanent. But I certainly look forward to meeting him and showing him this dream. Hi Josh!

Additionally I'd really like to know who's cat this is... and what they dreamed last night January 15-16 2012. If this is your cat, please contact me.

dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
role playing game
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
tarot-like cards
dream dictionaries
dreamcatcher cards
dream dictionaries
pale calico cat
dream dictionaries
dilute tortoiseshell cat
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
dream dictionaries
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