over 12 years ago
holding hands
soul mate
Holding Hands in Heaven

Lots of dream action last night...though I can't remember much.
It's so interesting to write dreams down. A tiny shard of memory tends to unpack itself into so much more as I write it down. Like a compressed computer file getting unstuffed into so many various elements.
I think this is important.
I think these memories of dreams are more like holographic crystals - they seem like a singular emotion/picture memory, but every time I begin to write about it, so much more is forthcoming and revealed.

One tiny moment / shard fragment I do remember is a strange beauty indeed. So abstract it will be difficult to explain.


I was in another dimension. There is no other word for it. And in this dimension I was remotely viewing a woman or a soul that I 'know'. However I was not seeing this woman, I was experiencing her essence or energy. It's really hard to know at this point if I even 'knew' her. In this dimension she had chosen to love another 'woman'. Again so abstract I can only speak of essences here, and plays of light and DMT - like worlds so purely in the quantum field that things only resolve when under consideration. Before the consideration every thing is only potentially operative in hyperspace.

As I moved my thoughts more into focus on this woman, I experience a brief series of proto-emotions. It was like having no attachment to emotions I would experience in 3d life, but here I would just witness what they could potentially be - interest, attraction, love, loss, missing, jealousy, yearning, regret. I was free of these, but still had a distant understanding of them.

As a moved nearer, it was like increasing the power of a microscope and 'shapes' resolved into greater detail. I was still in the world of light, but somehow there were thought shape, or intention echos leading the way, bringing me to her.

As 'she' resolved I could sense she was with another woman. A lover, and this resolved into the idea expressed in light of the physical love making act. Again this was archetypal, NOTHING in this dimension was more than ideas, and distant echos of memories of another reality back in 3d land. It felt like we had once been lovers, who knows what else? It didn't matter. This was the experience she was choosing now.

She had her hand on this other woman's yoni. I didn't see this in any classical sense, but I experienced it from a holographically all encompassing-ness. I BECAME it. I could feel the feeling of it both physically and in abstract ways I have never experienced anything before. There is something pre-birth and womb-like about experience like this.

I moved in closer and some how her hand resolved, still on this lover's yoni. I became my hand and reached for hers. She responded and we clutched each other's hands in the most comfortable union imaginable. Holding hands, surrounded by her lover's wet warmth, we lay together in total bliss. The reunification of soul mates who had finally found each other over the distance of another dimension. There was nothing but love and total contentment. The full embrace of souls who have loved, and always will love. Yet a part of this could still feel the physical sensation or memory of this simple act of holding another's hand.

I don't have any sense of personality or who this might have been only that it was beautiful and I think what is meant by heaven.

holding hands
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