over 12 years ago
The Kingdom of Od Lilyth

This dream was a bit of a silly princess fairytale. In my dream there was a princess who had for her whole life felt like she didn't belong. The world she lived in never felt like home and even more abhorrent was the fact that she was soon to be married to a person she hated and would never learn to love.

One night Lilyth (our little princess) had a weird dream where a woman with black hair and a green dress was singing to her in sadness. The song was for her, 'For Lilyth', it said, and was about returning to home, returning to a place she belonged, but also held a warning; it should never be sung without purpose. In the morning Lilyth had the weirdest feeling of warmth. It was like, for the first time in her life she knew that she was cherished.

The next day would hold her wedding. She spent the day wandering the gardens and wishing that time would stop. When the sun started setting she sat under a cherrytree in full blossom and cried. Suddenly she remembered her dream from last night. On instinct she started singing. She sang the song she had heard in that dream and after she was finished, she waited with a baited breath. Nothing happened. Not until she fell asleep, right there under the cherry tree and was roughly woken up.

Kieran was the gatekeeper of the worlds. He lived alone and wandered between the gates to meet everyone who dared to Travel between worlds. One night he felt the tug in the pit of his stomach that told him that someone had just Travelled. That was not peculiar, but the fact that the other end of the line was very close, was. In fact, the tugging came from his bedroom. And when he opened the door to said room, he found a girl sleeping peacefully in his bed. A girl with a white, ridiculously frilly dress with lots of tulle and ribbons, black, curly hair and on top of that a small, golden crown with sapphires. A girl, that was very obviously a princess.
'Ugh, I hate princesses. Spoiled, stupid chickens. They decide to run away for some silly thing like not getting dates for breakfast in the middle of the winter and sing the song to Travel and then pitch a fit when I have to tell them they can never get back to their lovely kingdom,' Kieran thought. He stomped to the girl and roughly shoke her awake.
"Wake up, 'Your Higness'! Get the fuck out of my bed!"

Lilyth woke up to a rough shaking and a very rude shout.
"Let go! Don't you know who I am?" she shouted in her fluffy white princess dress and tried to hit the idiot buffoon who had dared to grab the princess of Nostalgia.
The red haired man laughed. "Oh, is little princessy in trouble?" he smirked and squeeced her hand tighter. "In this world no-one would care even if you were the Queen of the whole Universe." he scoffed. "This isn't your world anymore princess and daddy isn't here to save you. You should know that. You did wish yourself here, right?"
Lilyth blinked. "What?" Come to think of it..were was she in the first place? It looked like she was inside a small hut, lying on a bed. The air was full of thick, rainbow-colored magic caples, like no-one had ever used them before. She gasped. Was it the spell? The one in the song? Had it really worked?
Lilyth turned her face to the man beside her. "Excuse me, but what exactly is the name of this world?" Kaiden frowned. Was the girl stupid? Oh, screw that. She was a princess so most propably yes. "Ertranica of course. And we are in the Kingdom of Od Lilyth." Lilyth's eyes widened. "Od Lilyth?" Kieran rolled his eyes, "Yes, Od Lilyth. It is said the Kingdom was named after the princess that was stolen from us about 2500 years ago. Princess of the whole of Ertranica. The biggest Kingdom was given to her and named For Lilyth. Od Lilyth in the Ancient Tongue. It is said she will someday come back to us and name us a new ruler and also free the Gatekeeper form his tedious task of guarding the gates for the rest of eternity. I'm not betting on that. If she wanted to, she would've already come a long time ago. She must just be a bitch. Or dead. Or most propably both."

Aaand because of the longevity, tediousness and predictability of this dream I'll just stop here. You can all guess it.

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