13 years ago
Astrologize, don't apologize!

At the same moment that I'm led to start writing about astrology Jupiter is conjunct my natal Chiron. Well, okay. The universe is offering reflection for me to attempt to expand myself where I am a wounded healer. It also feels a bit overwhelming. I suppose that would be a natural side-effect of being affected by the whole Jupiterian sense of timingness.

Time. The constant variable that is applied when one attempts to realize astrological events and their relationships. How we understand ourselves and our own personal quality of time.

Astrology. The knowledge of relativistic synchronism between planetary bodies in motion and evolutionary patterns of existence.

To me, astrology is not an effect of some invisible cosmic burst of energy that blasts its way from Uranus to Earth as much as that the timing of that planets movement is coincided with various events of similarity that occur at a certain rate of manifestation and experience.

To me, it's quite logical. If one can get their cranium out of their anus long enough to ACTUALLY think about it. What is chaos but order unrecognized? A rock tossed into a pond. The ripple effect in response to the kinetic action. Our star system. The response of various orbiting bodies to its long ago birth in space. The connection.

Honestly, after so many years of listening to the arrogant clap-trap of individuals claiming their scientific views are far superior to astrological theory and research my attempts to even go into this stuff arouses a lot of fatigue.

Easier to speak about this stuff than to write it. Used to gauging what to say by the reactions people make to what I'm expressing.

So, someone thinks I can make valid predictions concerning mundane astrology, huh? And I wonder what it is I've done that makes me able to commit such a feat?

I'd like to announce a new branch of astrology. One that feels most akin to me. I call it instinctual astrology. Or perhaps channeled astrology. Either way, I know that when I "receive" new data of an astrological nature it isn't because I've asked for an answer to a certain question as much as I'm given what needs to be related at the time it is happening. Much like Uranus which rules astrology and unforeseen events.

Ask me specific questions concerning some president of some distant country and I'm liable to not be able to tell you diddly squat. However, if somehow a pattern of behavior was recognized concerning said president or country than perhaps I could relate what I "intuit". This would happen in the moment of recognition and not due to some sort of investigative technique I was applying.

On the other hand, if one wants me to write an expose' of what is currently going on within the world I suppose I can write whatever comes to mind, true or false, as A: I'm not on a contract to make factual statements concerning mundane wordly matters, B: I've not been advertising myself as one who espouses himself to be the "Truth" of such events and C: This commentary is contained within a profile quite obscure and unrecognizable to the general public.

Yeah, I suppose I can really say what the frak I want to. Plenty of damage control. Won't matter if anything ends up being false as the greater public out there won't really be listening.

So, I wonder where I'll start?

I think I'll sleep on it.

Good night and pleasant dreams.

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