almost 13 years ago
Tom vs. Comet

...Or you can just rest easy either way since if it is a brown dwarf star and NOT a comet there's not much you can do about it anyway. What, run? Psyke. Yeah, right. Go and try and dodge this, playa'. See what happens.

Yeah, awesome. I totally like the idea of it NOT being a brown dwarf star due to how mellow that means the rest of the year is going to be. I also find it comforting to know that NASA (I'm sure they never lie about anything-after all, the U.S. Government controls them and we know they never lie) is letting me know how "wimpy" and uneventful this thing is. Whew, I wasn't losing sleep anyways but NOW I can sleep even deeper.

Let's pretend it's a brown dwarf star for a sec.

Scenario. As indicated by http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SfOfBrNUOGA&feature=related and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n_mQk61x-ns there seems to be a pattern in relation to this body and our planet with our Sun. Let's also not forget http://elenin.org/.

Okay. All read up? Awesome.

So, hypothetically, IF this turned out to be a dwarf star and IF nothing was said about it and IF there are non-elitist survivors which raise an uproar over the fact that SOMEHOW NASA didn't see this coming what do you think our government would do to curtail something like, oh, I don't know, an order of mass rioting + looting with a side order of protests perhaps? Man, you could super-size my protests, for real! Look at the equation. Look at history. What would be done? What type of excuse would they make if such an event were to occur? They DIDN'T see it coming? God told them to not tell? Let me guess... Because it was Judgement Day and they wanted to see what we would do. Hypothetically, sure.

In my position, I'm open to seeing all possibilities in this matter. Like I say, it is very comforting to me the idea that this is just some "wimpy" comet. It'll be amazing to witness. And also non-threatening.

However, appearing like I've given some credibility to the questions that are being raised concerning this PARTICULAR "comet" at this time and over what patterns seem to be producing themselves between it and our world doesn't concern me. At worst, I look like I care enough to present what I'm seeing for others to examine and go over in their free time. That is the tend and befriend response vs the fight and flight response.

Now, considering everything presented to you would you bet your LIFE on what is being shown to you through the presentation of government sponsored media? If yes, is that TRULY the wisest approach to living and do you want to promote such intellectual methodologies in the people that surround you? Personally, I don't. I like the idea of presenting ALL sides of the issue and waiting to see what unfolds. I definitely am not holding firm to the idea that it is a brown dwarf star but I'm also NOT denying my natural responses to the idea that it is. I CERTAINLY wouldn't dismiss any cataclysmic possibility out of hand simply because NASA is giving me an article describing how "wimpy" Elenin is. Would you like to have THAT type of wool pulled over your eyes and if so, what SPECIFIC excuse would you yourself make if you turned out to be wrong? What would be YOUR excuse?

Healthy skepticism I have no problem with... Blindness? Casual dismissal of a possible scenario because NASA told me so? Oh, wait. That's right. The U.S. Government NEVER lies about anything. They're just pretending to be upset over Wikileaks. What am I thinking? We're the United States of America, motherfucka!!! They only lie over in other countries or something like that. I hear the most honest of us all are from Texas...* Ding dang it!!! (snaps his fingers) Why did I have to go and get born in Washington... Sigh. I have to work twice as hard at being honest I guess.

Yes, I find the idea of a wimpy comet very appealing. No, I'm not going to rule out other possibilities simply because my "honest" government said so.

I'm not going to apologize if I sound a little flippant with people here. I feel strongly about people not being so quick to dismiss such matters in the way in which I'm seeing themselves demonstrate to me. I can respect people, but sometimes? Lame just doesn't quite say it. Is this some sort of group conversation which ends up as this like, wishy washy complacency to government subsidized media? Oh, I'm sorry. Is it someone else funding the media? It must be the aliens, huh? Please.

Then what was this guy doing? http://www.fromthestars.com/crop%20circles/page17o.html

So anyways. To repeat myself. IF it is merely a wimpy comet than awesome! Not saying that isn't likely. IF I end up looking like I expressed concern or imaginative reactions over the idea of it being something cataclysmic I can live with that. Please do NOT try to suggest to me anything DEFINITE in one way or the other. It will NOT be respected and you'll be wasting your time and energy. People, it gives the appearance to me that you're all kind of brainwashed, honestly. If this was a test to see if I'd put up a good fight concerning my point of view I hope you're all satisfied. If not, please wake up.

Case closed. I'm open to people giving me open-minded responses to the videos and links above.

I hope you can appreciate why I may sound heated over this matter.


Tom the bomb.

*Obviously, a facetious statement. Please note. At the time of writing what had come to mind are certain practices which pertain to the rules of engagement as utilized by the "authorities" in said state. It is the personal opinion of the writer that these practices are far too aggressive and reminiscent of highwaymen instead of highway patrol. It is NOT the opinion of the writer that people that hail from the state of Texas are worse than others. I've met some really nice people from there, in fact. Please dismiss any idea that you may have from the above statement that I am of the opinion that if you're born in Texas you are naturally unscrupulous or a scoundrel of some sort. Have a good day.

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