over 13 years ago
heart break

At parts in this particular dream I get very specific. I listed it off early in the morning as detailed as I could. This dream was magical, this one was intense --

- It was in Maine 2023 some where in that time era. . . It always seemed kind of rainy.

- “U-tec” was a system/company Eyan created. It was a software created to go with it’s owner. Jot down thoughts memories etc. It was like a personal diary hard-wired to your thoughts in a telepathic way.

- Eyan was a real genius. He was a writer. . . wrote stories all the time usine U-tec. Recorded moments and dialogued thoughts. He was a composer. . . He was an epic breakfast maker. . . He did a series of things, ran various companies he started and created on his own. . . sold companies he created. . . made new ones. He did all sorts of things and did them all so well. Eyan was free.

- She was Eyans love. Maybe it was me. We lived on an Island of our own. The Glide Line (An invention that glided on the water line rails) was our transportation back to the city – (about 15min.) Though, we basically had everything that we needed on our personal Island. Our main home “The Casa Serena” was at the peak of the Island. We had about 4 other little guest homes scattered near the base. . . We would often rent them out. . . We allowed Ceremonies and Weddings to happen year round - things of that sort on the Island were taking place all the time. Most popular in the Spring and Summer. We were immensely accomodating and happily shared all things we owned. WE were the epitome of free, so any chance we could, we shared our freedom. We were not greedy or corrupt in any way. Our Island, It was a hot spot for the newly wedded Honey Mooners, Travel Junkies of all kinds, and well, the love struck. . .

- Eyan and I were passionate, passionate lovers. The kind of love that makes you melt. It was intense. We were kids in absolute obsessive love. She was his everything and he was hers. Eyan was intelligent like you wouldn’t believe. He believed everything about the political ways in society was wrong - Eyans ultimate desire in life was to connect the world, open minds! Open the world up to a new way of thinking. "EVERYTHING ABOUT OUR WORLD IS BASS ACKWARDS AND BELLY UP!" -Eyan. No more compromising, no more begging, no more letting down, no more sitting back, no more waiting. . . SILENCE MUST BE HEARD! Taking away the chains - letting go - that's what the world needed. 'That is the cure' he always said and that is what Eyan set out to accomplish every breathing day he lived. Ultimately, in every aspect Eyan believed in PEACE and FREEDOM. I shared the same values and beliefs full heartedly - we both were on a mission. Our mission.

- The Truth will set you free. Real sincere truth is contagious and it can't be stopped if only the bulk of us keep adding and stoking it's wild fire. Let us be an on-going team of Truth & Love. A circle. Never ending. Never done. We, Eyan and I knew true freedom and we needed to share this, we needed to get it out there for all to taste. What is real freedom if it's not for all?

- Speak loudly and never back down! Eyan's voice was listened to. He was world-known. Widely respected by many, loved, hated, accepted, believed, followed, faught against, etc., etc.

- Eyan & I were multi ZIONaires yes (ZION?) on our very own Getaway Island Paradise we created from the ground up. All on a vision, all on raw imagination and special energy, on all LOVE. . . Yeah, everything was built upon undying love and unending creativity.

- The house was warm as can be – we carefully planned the layout of every cozy loving warm home on the Island. Everything was original and unique. The Island was a paradise secluded from a not so paradise world. People loved to escape here. We were all over the magazines. . . all over the news. We didn’t pay attention to any of this. Only thing that mattered to us was that WE were together, we had a vision to share with the world, we were living, we were happy.

- Family came to visit ALL the time. Strangers and Distant lovers re-fell madly in love all over again here. It was the “Island of Truth” we called it. Nothing but love & freedom dwells here.

- Soon Eyan showed signs of a very distinctive dual personality. A child. I talked to Eyan about it. . . It all happened so gradually – Little things here and there – then rapidly and more suddenly changes ocurred – He worked more and more and I worked as well. . . We talked and laughed but he was tired a lot he always told me. . . Things were still beyond magical. I let him rest and fell deeply into my own projects. I too was immensely successful. My very own studio with a walk out balcony looking off into the gorgeous sunrises and vass ocean.

- Technology was so well rounded at this time. At a quality high than it has ever been in all of Mankind. Things and systems (U-tec) were calming to use and so pleasant to look at. Nothing about technology was overbearing on the eye or overwhelming on the mind. . . Eyan was a big part of this being so.

- I owned design companies, Art schools for people of ALL ages and Adoption/Foster centers and Agencies for parentless/orphaned children in various countries around the world. I was a well known Digital + Traditional (Etc) Painting Instructor. I dedicated myself to fostering student development far beyond their potential and turning passions into careers. I held live POD classes all over the world to school all my eager pupils both OLD and YOUNG (ALL WERE MY CHILDREN) As hectic as it seems, this life Eyan and I owned. . . it was all very much easy for us live. . . because our priorities were one another. . . what we did, we loved. We were "Passion Drenched". We were so natural and love always came first.

- Sex was intense, sex was every day. Sex was magic. Sex was celebrated. Sex was for breakfast. Sex was her perfume. Sex is what the world needs more of. Open. Free. Wild. Beautiful.

End the oppression. . .


This is where I ended my Word document about the dream. But basically it was one of those Paradise dreams with a horrific twist. Eyan was turning into a kid. A silly playful energetic child.

It would be like a light switch on and off. One moment he would be himself and the next he would be cooking our sentimental exotic fish right out from the aquarium in the living room. It was a nightmare. She (I) was losing half myself. My lover, my best friend.

Could be an awesome story but I'm no story teller. This dream stated IMMENSELY strong beliefs that I so fully believe in. Let's just say I was torn. I woke up in a sweat crying embarrassingly on my boyfriend.

The rest is all in my mind :)

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