over 13 years ago
boom festival
B4 their time

No doubt, Source knows how to pass along pure/essential knowledge in the most ideal way, in perfect sync.

As I moved through Boom2010 a sense of ideal alignment was with me more solid than I've ever felt. While interacting with the people who came into my sphere I felt as if beings of the recent and maybe distant past from the eternal stream had seen and known of this boom happening. Not just that, they've been waiting for us to get there and they set things in place to help state bearing. I wont elaborate just yet as it would be senseless to sound a total lunatic. However silence, stillness, thought, and conversations activated awareness of a realisation that our moments had been viewed understood and tinkered with by a previous group.

Very lightly puting that out there, the reason for even bringing it up is several concepts were relayed and messages conveyed that feel super significant at very least for me. First, workshops held by Kalid Injoy instituting Osho stop-dance techniques and A.U.M meditation (though in my being questions still reel and acceptance isn't 100% of these ways), were deeply revealing. A knowing came through that music and intelligence can assist us in isolating and exploring specific emotions. What that means is with a few moments of right music and the isolation of certain senses we can travel deep within and hone in our understanding of exactly what we're doing and who/what were communicating with. Actually my limited vocabulary makes it hard to find words to describe the perfection of the communication coming through. Next the power of collaboration, the true formation of a functioning group of “dreamers”/”visionaries” has come to life in the execution of this massive project that was/is boom and this group is beginning to normalise/get better at creating their dreams, their beginning to perform. This is huge momentum as it enforces in all participants the idea that dreaming big can be done. Potentially a pinnacle moment in the hearts of the ancestors that may be looking on, who's dedication in the myriad of ways got us to this phase of the life. Finally a strong, courageous, sturdy minded, good hearted, well intentioned people who have a divine right to the exploration of their own psyche through whatever means has been revealed to us, spoke openly, honestly, for a moment in the light of fearlessness of the sacred realms of perception that exist and hold important understandings for us learn from.

This last point just might be the most important of the reasons I've sighted for this event being a point in time our eternal family just might have visited. As I sense the snowball is building and the will of compassion is finding its way into our hearts.

As the stunning flyer for this dreamcatcher.net site came to me while in contemplation lakeside on a sunny afternoon at Boom, per Johnathan Human a world class poet I later find out, I read the word “unite” in white lettering on the back, to my mind came the words of the Bob Marley song “Cheer Up”: “We've been down in captivity so long, so long, if we UNITE then we will be free so strong, so strong”. Immediately a chill ran through me “it's here, unification” I thought. Next night I caught a lecture by the artist Andrew(android) Jones who's creative heart and words rang with an integrity and honesty that a normal human being should be able to sleep with at the end of a day having spoken them. Amid the words of Andrew's lecture again I heard echo's of another great musician, John Lennon's Imagine came through: “you may say that I'm a DREAMER but I'm not the only one I hope someday you'll JOIN US and the world will live as one”. Many greats of old where with with us this week of Boom as I felt I was among the living greats as-well, in-fact as I was beginning to feel alive and awake enough to begin to realise the living elements.... Deep Gratitude!!!!

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