over 12 years ago
The Seafloor Excursions...

Okay, so as this is my first entry, and I don't quite remember all of the details of last night's dream, this may be somewhat jumbled, but I will do my best to piece it together.

I almost always have very vivid dreams, and on at least two occasions have had lucid dreams (one conscious and one unconscious). I also almost always remember at least a portion of my dreams.

Last night's "main" dream was about whales. I was with some friends and family, and we were all in the living room. Yet at the same time I was also with a different group of people that I knew in the dream, exploring these ruins on another planet. An oceanic planet. The ruins were A LOT like the city of Atlantis as it was depicted in Stargate: Atlantis the television show, except there was a theme of gold and similar colouring to the ruins/city. It was like I was two different versions of myself.

Both parties were sitting in circular formations in these gatherings. My "primary" self in the dream seemed to be the explorer version. Yet at one point I remember that I was also a whale or whale-like creature on that planet. I remember bouncing back and forth between the three forms of consciousness throughout the dream. At one point my explorer self and my whale self had made contact with each other, seen from the perspective of my explorer self.

The whale taught us about these vortex "gates" under the ocean. One of them was under the city we were exploring, deep down at the bottom of the ocean, that connected back and forth between there and one deep in the ocean of Earth. He then proceeded to teach us all about these gates (I say "he" because I feel that it was the same whale I was perceiving as during part of the dream). He explained something along the lines of needing to use the gates, but that we needed to activate them for him and other whale creatures.

They couldn't do it because of the "Guardian" being. It would not allow them. Now, this guardian did not exist, or was not in this plane of existence until the gates were activated, it was the force of it that would not allow the sea creatures to use the gates. The problem was that if we activated these gates, the guardian could hurt US. It wasn't there to protect us, just the sea creatures (although I don't know if it was really protecting them either, keeping them imprisoned like that, which I will explain).

I remember being at the bottom of the ocean, although I don't remember how. I don't remember any kind of submarine vehicle or scuba gear of any kind, and even though it was the BOTTOM OF THE OCEAN, I could still see clearly. There was light. I remember speaking more with the whale creature (I was speaking, I believe it was communicating telepathically) about it's species and Earth. I remember it was mid-sentence in telling me where they were from when I interjected with something along the line of, "-here. You are from here and you want to travel to Earth." I knew they had been there before and that they wanted to go back. What the whale told me was that no, I was wrong. They were from Earth. They wanted to go home. There was some more conversation, and the whale creature taught me more that I don't remember.

Then I remember being the whale, and watching myself unlock the gate/portal. Activating it somehow. It was a spinning vortex of light at somewhere between a 90 and 45 degree angle on the bottom of the ocean floor. It was all colours and none. Then the Guardian appeared.

I don't know how to describe it. It had a physical form, and I could possible even draw a crude form of it, it was made of simple shapes. It was humanoid (if you count being bi-pedal, and having bilateral symmetry humanoid), yet lacking any human characteristics, physical or otherwise. It wasn't any particular colour, yet I kept perceiving it as gold, which may have been a reflection of the light from the city's colour onto it.

Somehow I bypassed this guardian and travelled to Earth, into my earthly form. There was more to the dream before I was woken up by my girlfriend, but I can't really remember much. I do remember that the whale never made it to Earth, but that the portal/gate was still active when I awoke.

Hopefully I can finish the dream some time soon.

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