over 13 years ago
The Divine Enlightenmnt!!!!!!!

Walking around in a city by the beach. Felt like Brazil. There were people from all over the world there. Each person responded to the oceans energy differently. We all went to the shore, which seemed like a covered patio on the waters edge to be ritually pummelled by crashing waves. I decided to get out of the way, and found a little hole with a crab leg sticking out (im a Cancer) I took the crab leg and stuck it in the hole, and the guy who was watching over the hole said to me "its still alive". Then the crab leg moved, and a large crab came out. The crabs claw was much more splendid and big than a normal one, and this crab seemed to be ten times more powerful than any crab we've seen. It was a Warrior Crab. It could run as fast as a cat and could attck and pinch with the efficiency of a cat. But it was not interested in killing me, only showing me its strength... then it ran on...

I was in a tunnel, with others. Looking at graffiti art on walls of black & white type face fonts advertising hip boutiques around town. Pure urban contemporary culture gold. It was the new guerrilla model for future advertising. But it seemed somehow legal, which allowed for the creativity to flourish.

Getting ushered out by janitors with crazy vacuums... out to the street. Dark. in a strange dream version of DC wet and cold. A latino woman was vending food, and i went to get a napkin but they were all pre-soaked with gritty oil. I thought "i guess these aren't the napkins"!!!

It seemed the whole city was out walking around for something... like the superbowl or something. We all noticed in the sky above us a large ship! This was no ship from earth. It looked like a giant city floating in the sky that had hundreds of arms and moved around like the legs and body of an insect. It was copper colored with streaming golden lights covering everything. This is hard to describe, but the ship had movable inter-changeable parts that all had a corresponding musical note. And the mechanical arms of the city-ship were picking up and moving the parts of itself around creating a massive hypnotic symphony of music! The ships had parts that seemed to move around independently adding notes to the music. It was as if it was designed perfectly for this, and was here to show us beyond any doubt that something truly extraordinary was happening...

Next the dream shifted locations to this sunny grassy hillside, where all the people of the world were gathering. Its was as if a large lake was in the middle of the shire, with waters crystal clear. Children, old people all entering the waters. I saw my grandparents napping.
There were large groups of teenagers wading around i the lake. They seemed nicer and more in touch with their feelings than teenagers from my generation. The boys seemed more comfortable sharing their feeling with eachother (thank God!)
I went into a bathroom, and saw little children wallowing in toilets and I wont go into more detail about this scene, but it was shocking and unacceptable. I stormed out to find a manager, because this was NOT OK. The employee i found was in a narcotic state and seemed clear that she was not interested in helping.

*As I swam through the lake back to shore feeling desperate to do something about this, I noticed the groups of teenagers demonstrating impressive behaviors in their relating, as I described before. I reached the shore and stood up and began to walk somewhere. I don't know where, I was just walking. Suddenly something started happening that got everyone's attention. It was happening to the whole world. I turned around and up in the sky was a giant sized image of Christ made of pure white Tibetan prayer flags! The Christ image had a large cloud tail trailing off that resembled a Chinese dragon.
Suddenly people were dropping to their knees and weeping, but not at this image. It was an energy that was filling the entire planet! As I stood there the force of Gravity began to increase tremendously! It was as if the Divine Power was using Gravity as a vacuum to suck out all the negativity of the World, and induce a mass ascension process. I heard a voice say "Sit and be Healed". Angelic music filled the air. There was no mistaking what was happening. The entire planet was receiving a Divine enlightenment like it had never known. The force of gravity pulled the hair on my head flat down and pulled to the ground and my Body filled with the most incredible feeling of Love multiplied times a thousand!! We all were set ablaze by this Divine Love that was here to cleanse us all at once. On my knees I wept and wept and wept, as this energy blasted me like invisible White Light cranked up to plus infinity! I remembered the truth of us all, and the Love that created us. All we could do was weep and weep from the overwhelming feeling of Divine Salvation that was upon us all.

This was the most incredible gift of a dream I have had in many years, and I am so thankful... Thank you thank you thank you thank you!... Yes it happened! It happened to everyone at the same time!!! And I believe it is coming...

xoxo ~XAVI

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