over 16 years ago
Dreams from the morning of DEC 27,

Dreams from the morning of DEC 27, 2007

I went lucid. Nighttime. Flew down into a canyon of cliffs at night. Lighting was purple and orange. One of the cliff walls had a gigantic movie screen on it. I kept flying looking for something. I flew down to ground level and noticed a large skeleton cloaked in a velvet robe. He was surrounded by a council of skeletons wearing colored robes of velvet. The skeletons were communicating to me through body movements some kind of message to me. The leader reached into a pot and pulled out a folded card and handed it to me. A powerful flash of energy rushed through me, and I asked to be shown the message on the card. It read BERES SOPES. I awoke.
Then went back in. Was standing on a NYC street with a young graffiti artist named "EQT" he had a good heart and was dedicated to becoming a good writer. We met up with 2 more of his crew and walked down the street to see more graffiti. The city morphed as we walked, and then we were in a forested alleyway at night. Graffiti everywhere. There were lots of young people there as if there was a gathering going on in the woods. I saw a shadowy figure dancing wildly through the shadows. He was carrying a guitar. We went up into the woods to continue, and then out of nowhere, I was bum-rushed by the shadowy figure. He smashed into me and slammed his dirty finger into my mouth. I caught the finger-nail between my teeth to stop it. There was a momentary struggle then he fled. I fell to my knees as I tunrd around 180 degrees to see spider webs right in front of my face. I could see groups of sweaty kids behind the webs sitting in circle smoking a heavy blend, moaning and looking quite stoned. It had a dark feeling. My lucidity was kicking in and I realized I was in potentially dangerous dream territory. I decided to leave the scene and move on.
On my way out of the woods, I encountered two young men on skateboards who were advertising some strange form of political dissent. They were yelling vulgarities at me, and I immediately began shouting back at them to "fuck off". I was bold in my defense to them, which they seemed to be cool with. Realizing I was in a realm where I could only keep encountering psychic attacks, I decided to make the big move out of the space. I turned around and swiftly took flight. Up over the treetops I immediately went, establishing a fast flight path out of there. As I took off, I heard one of the young men sneer and say "oh, so that’s how you want to play" . He immediately launched into the air and took flight after me. I instantly knew that this situation was serious, and that this figure was much more powerful than I suspected. Almost never do dream characters have the power to follow me once I take flight away from the scene. I had a bolt of fear rush through me as I realized I was being pursued by a being who was more than they appeared to be in form, and was very intent on battling me. As I turned around my intuition was confirmed as my eyes caught sight of him. He had transformed into a being 3 times his previous size. He had now taken on the form of a giant robotic monster clad in metallic black armor and leather. His face looked somewhat like a ghoulish animal-robot hybrid, black and oily. He was growling loudly and feeling quite stoked to destroy me. Like a flash of lightning, I reacted… flipped over on my back, still in flight, and all in the same moment I summoned a light shield, grabbed my fear and put it in my pocket, and projected a defensive bolt of energy at him as he came at me. Then in a blustery puff of energy I awoke.

I decided to go back in. business felt unfinished. A long dream came into being that is much too detailed and long for me to go into right now. All I will say is that there were a lot of people and it was the setting of a large festival happening in a suburban setting, at night. At one point there was a giant ghostly moaning red cloud that rolled through the space carrying in its belly swarms of migrating little birds. Like an auspicious plague it swept over the dream causing people to scatter about and react with awe. The vibe was heavy and full of constant change and micro detail…I moved through countless dialogues, and mini situations which I remember but will not go into because I'm not sure that it is terribly significant to the meaning and message of the dream, and because it would take longer than I feel like spending on this activity. One detail I cant leave out though is the part where I seemed to be in phoenix AZ driving my minivan down a hill that was too steep for a car to go down without crashing. I swerved around a curve and threw it into first and pulled the e-brake, as I went swerving around the hairpin curve skidding sideways and almost tipping over. This part was extremely vivid and stressful.

That dream gave way to the next dream, which was extremely powerful in its symbolism. I was riding my bike at night in SF. It was raining and I seemed to have a view of myself that was from behind me and slightly above. I was wearing my camelback and was intent on getting home. I came to an intersection where lots of people were migrating home from a concert or some kind of big event. I crossed the street to wait at the next cross-walk. Someone was complaining that Brittany Spears was lame for speaking out about recycling bottles. In her defense I commented about how she sees more bottles going to waste than you ever could because she is on stage seeing more of whats happening in the crowd. I said that all those wasted bottles are like ants crawling on her eyeballs… As I said this, there came a loud clattering sound like water smacking on metal siding. As we stopped and perked up to see what the noise was we felt the rumbling of water crash down from above onto the heads of all the people standing there. We instantly realized that a catastrophic flood was happening. All at once everyone panicked and began to run for their lives. A big wave crashed onto my head from the building above as I ran. I got out of the way of the huge torrent that was coming off the building and felt relief that I was out of the way and heading toward safety. Just when I thought I was in the safe, I turned around to see bernal hill, my neighborhood behind me, and the surrounding areas being engulfed by an oceanic sized flood of tidal waves hundreds of feet tall smashing into the mountains. My heart sank as I realized that this was the end. I watched the entire city being swallowed by the water as I ran for high ground. I managed to climb to the top of a building via fire escape along with a few other people. Once I was up there I saw the shocking truth of how the population had just been dramatically decreased. There were only a handful of people left in the entire city that lived. I became very worried about Gabriella and called her cell phone. Some other lady answered, and to comfort myself I made up a story in my mind that she hired someone to answer her phone for her because she was busy dealing with the situation, but in my heart I knew what really happened. I feared the worst. The dream flowed on and I was on top of the building interacting with the other people. This is where my memory fades..

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