almost 11 years ago
Restaurant Thug, Effie's Field

I packed a lunch in a cardboard box for me and my two friends, Samantha and Carra. Instead of eating it, they say they are going to take me somewhere. We try to get in a boat to cross a river, but it's a struggle to jump up in it from the water. We make it all the way across the water before anyone manages to climb inside anyways. We get in a truck, now night time, and they drive me through a small town similar to G, where my brother lives. Sirens signal and lights flash, signalling an oncoming train. They turn just before the tracks, however, so the train doesn't stop us at all. They park, and we go inside a dingy restaurant. I sit alone at my own table. The place has a few customers, and a waitress behind a desk. It's set up more like a doctor's waiting room, more than anything. Being alone, isolated, it makes me sad. Now Samantha and Carra are Cloudia and Christian from my novel. They wave me over to their table. I stand and leave the table I was at, to stand near their table and talk a little. I decide to sit at a table with a chess board nearby. Once I sit down, I realize the game isn't chess. Instead, it's a game called King's Bingo. I try to make the pieces into chess pieces anyway, so I can still play. A commotion stirs in the center of the dinning area, pulling me away from my game board. A guy is trying to get rough with a girl that wants nothing to do with him. She screams for someone to turn off the lights. I run across the restaurant to a billboard near the emergency door, and dig my nails into all the papers pinned up here. I shred them down, until finally I pull a piece of paper that says "Turn off lights". The lights go off, but he's not leaving her alone. I run over to him, and punch him square in the face. He runs out now.
Now I am in a park with Effie Trinket and Cinna's crew. They're showing me around at night. We walk under a large tree, where a black directional rooster decoration had fallen off the peak. I look at the car sized metal object crumpled on the ground, and mention to the others that if this fell out of the tree, maybe the tree isn't safe to stand under. They carelessly laugh at my worry. As we walk away, I tell them not to throw away the metal rooster, because I think that my mom would like it for our garden.
Now I'm playing with my little cousin Shelby on a water playground slide. She's having a lot of fun, which makes me very happy. We go over to a crawl through tunnel, and while she's crawling through, I go to a trailer where my mom and granny are. I talk to them about recipes, like an egg cake pop confetti cake recipe. My mom says she wants to bake a plain white cake, so she can learn how to ice layers without pulling up the crumbs. She says she almost messed up the German chocolate cake because of it. I tell her that two eggs is all you have to add, but before we can go on, the bell rings and I have to get Shelby back to the school so I can check and see what homework she has. I try to get her ready, pack her a lunch in her backpack, and try to grab the sour cream off the trailers counter that Granny wanted to give me. I put the sour cream in a box, and go back across Effie's field with Shelby, now during the day. A lot of people are flocking back toward the school, leaving the play ground accompanying a kid and heading for the school. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of July 15th, 2013
Real-life characters: Samantha, Carra, Cloudia*, Christian*, Effie*, Cinna's crew*, Shelby, Granny, Mom.
Dream-created characters: People in restaurant, girl being attacked, guy attacking, waitress, other kids at playground, people heading back toward school.
Real-life places: G, train tracks in G.
Dream-created places: Restaurant, Effie's park field, water playground, trailer.
Different than real life: I've never taken Shelby to a park by myself, mom usually doesn't ice things, I don't know a recipe for egg cake pop confetti cake, I haven't seen nor spoken to Samantha and Carra in years, Granny doesn't live out of a trailer.
Precognitive: No experiences.
Reoccurring: No.

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