over 10 years ago
Orphanage Escape

This large old house is an orphanage, and it is my home. I need to get out, I need to escape. I have one friend, Mary, and something bad is going to happen to us. I run down red carpeted stairs, down a narrow twisting stairway that is lined with windows. That stairway let out to another stairway which is wider. I leap down them in strides, knowing that is imperative that I get down them quickly. I rush to the point that I am leaping down entire staircases at once. They come to a T. In the center there is a glass door leading outside. I accidentally go over the edge of the staircase leading to the door, and land in the area of the building that is half underground. It's a large library. There is a little nook filled with blankets and pillows where people read underneath the stairs, which I land right next to. I struggle to get out of these fluffy blankets, and to one of the short staircases that leads back to the glass door. Mary is with me now. I reach my hand through a small opening and twist a tiny bronze key that is left in the small key hole on the right.
The door opens and we run out. I take the key, which has a large brown card dangling from it, and stuff it in the pocket of my trench-coat. Taking the key with me keeps them from being able to lock anyone else inside. We run to the sidewalk, where we get in my '67 Chevy Impala, and I drive off. Not but four blocks away, police find us and corner us in an alley. We have to abandon my car as we round a corner out of sight. I tell Mary, who's name is now Sam and she is now my sister, to get on one of the two bikes here. I, now named Dean, get on the remaining bike, and struggle to find my footing. I finally get the hang of peddling, and before I exit the alley, I tell Sammy to run, just get away, we'll meet up later. I can't stick around to see if she gets away because police are immediately trying to grab me. I barely slip by.
I manage to loose the cops directly on my tail, and continue to ride down the sunny summer streets. I cut the corners when I clumsily turn, going across people's lawns sometimes. I cross the street in front of a large farming truck, only to find out it's an unmarked police truck. They're everywhere. I manage to loose them again though.
I get off the bike and enter a playground. I check my pocket to insure the little key is still there. I need to find new clothes. The black tank-top and black and white stripped ruffled skirt I am wearing are to conspicuous and make me easily spotted. I ask one of the boys there, a dark skinned guy around the age of 7 I guess, to help me. He tells me that, on the porch of the large house not thirty feet away where the adults sit, there's a coat rack where everyone leaves their coats. I know that they'll be to small to fit, but I just need something to alter my appearance long enough to get back to Sammy and get away.
Just then a cop car drives by, and I tell the kid to play with me so that they won't spot me. We take hands and play dance, mostly just jumping up and down. It seems to do the trick because the car keeps driving. I then go up to the porch nonchalantly check out the coats. I spot a peach colored dress in a bag hanging here that I think will be a perfect disguise, but there's no way I'll get it on as it's for one of the little girls. One of the old women sitting here is looking at me suspiciously, defensive over the dress which is apparently very important to the girl. I ask them if I can use their bathroom, thinking if I can get inside I can just steal some of their adult clothes which will surely fit me. One of the ladies gladly lets me inside, and to my disappointment I find the entire house is being redone. The walls are bare sheet-rock and mud, and the entire house is empty. The woman tells me directions to the bathroom, but I barely listen.
I go down the bare stairs that lead to the front door, and look in what little storage chests and drawers there are for clothes. Nothing but crayons, tape, magnets, paper. The boy from outside tells me that he has some clothes in his room that I can take. He leads me there. It's the only room intact. Dark walls, glow-in-the-dark stars on the ceiling, bed disheveled, floor covered in laundry and comic books it looks like. He hands me a dark blue hoody that has a light blue dog on the front. It looks like it will fit me, and I am so excited that I finally have a disguise. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of October 12th, 2013
Real-life characters: Mary.
Dream-created characters: Never-seen orphanage workers that are going to kill us, cops, kids a playground including boy that helped me, women on porch.
Real-life places: The streets were familiar like the ones around my town but none were specific.
Dream-created places: Orphanage, playground, house under construction, boys room.
Different than real life: I never lived in an orphanage, me and Mary are no longer friends, I haven't spoken to Mary for about three and a half years now, Mary is not my sister, my name is not Dean, I don't own a frilly black and white stripped skirt, I only wish I owned a '67 Chevy Impala.
Orphanage = I read a short-story about an orphanage recently.
Sammy and Dean = I blame Supernatural.
Impala = Yep, still Supernatural.
Trenchcoat = I own one that is similar to Castiel's, from (you guessed it) Supernatural.
Blue hoody with dog = I saw a post on Tumblr about a hoody/sweater that Sam Winchester wore that was dark blue with a dog that looked like a unicorn on the front.
Precognitive: No experiences.
Reoccurring: No.

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