10 years ago
The Burglary

Me and my mom get into a fight just outside her bedroom. She storms off toward the basement. I stomp into her room and throw myself onto her bed. I look toward her closet and scream as loudly as I can out of frustration and anger. Right after I do, the light hanging from the ceiling starts to flicker, dimming then shutting on and off completely. I shakily slide myself off the bed and stumble out the door. I run through the living room, kitchen, all while trying to shout out for my mom. But my voice is no more than a feeble whisper, not even close to the yell I want, I need. I collapse to my knees at the top of the stairs and try to shout down to my mom. I have to try at least four times for my voice to manage a slightly loud tone.
My mom comes into view from around the corner, and gives me a stern, “What?” because to her this is about the fight.
“The lights, they’re flickering. I think someone is trying to get inside,” I whisper though it’s not my intention.
Instantly the fight is put aside. “Oh, come down here, now,” she says urgently. Just as I start to shakily make my way down, the back doorknob behind me starts to twist and wiggle. My dogs Skye and Lily follow me down, and me and mom go into the back room. I want to hide, I need to hide. I get back behind my TV which is catty corner in the corner furthest from the room. There is even a curtain behind it to hide behind and everything. I’m terrified to the point of shaking. My mom is trying to call the police on her iPod, so she needs the lights on, even though I insist they should be off. When she finally shuts all but the closet light off, I look into the living area of the basement, and see it is pitch black. I come out of my relatively useless hiding place and raise my voice enough to call Lily and Skye inside the room with us, and then I close the door. I walk over to my mom, noticing something in the window as I do. A flashlight beam is shining into the room. I flatten against the wall and frantically point this out to my mom, who dumbly says, “What?” and shines her own flashlight up to the window. I snatch it out of her hands and look back to the window in fear she has exposed us. There’s a red light next to the flashlight beam, like a recording-on light. Then they leave, seemingly not noticing us in the room, but I know they are looking in all the windows right now, trying to find a way inside.
Then I’m suddenly sitting through a lecture in a university room that looks more like a lounging or waiting room. I have all of my stuff splayed out on the table before me in my little section of it. When the bell rings signaling class is over I’m among the first out. It isn’t until I reach the elevators that I realize that I left literally everything I had unpacked from my bag back in the classroom. I sulk back, and start to pack up everything. It’s difficult to get all the books on the table, the papers stacked in the chair, and the other random folders that fell on the floor neatly tucked into my small bag. I see Ashton, a boy I knew from school, through the windows walking down the hallway. He’s listening to his iPod with white head-phones in. I hasten my getting-stuff-together but there’s no way that I’ll get done before he’s to the elevators. Sure enough, by the time I’m done, he’s gone. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of February 3rd, 2014
Real-life characters: Mom, Skye, Lily, Ashton.
Dream-created characters: Filler students and teacher, people trying to break in.
Real-life places: House.
Dream-created places: University.
Different than real life: I’ve never been a victim to a home burglary thank god, I’m not in university, I haven’t seen nor spoken to Ashton in years, me and my mom haven’t been fighting.
Reoccurring: No.
Precognitive: No.

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