over 8 years ago
It's the End of the World As We Know It

I’m walking around school, struggling to find what class I’m supposed to be in. I decide to wing it and just go to whatever one I end up at. It turns out to be Mr. Bronivan’s classroom [which is located where Mr. Ficker’s room should be]. I lean on Mr. Bronivan’s desk, and he and I have a cup of green tea. He comments that green tea is bitter, and I agree. I say it’s worth it though, because of how healthy it is. He agrees to that.
Orange and pink books are stacked all over his desk and counters. Mr. Bronivan tries to open a window near the ceiling, behind his desk and up in the corner near the mounted TV. I help him out, and we just get it open as the class period ends and the bell rings.
As soon as I leave the classroom, some catastrophe happens that sparks the end of the world. People are running and screaming in a complete panic. I managed to find Mary in the chaos. We run out of the school and manage to make it all the way to my house. The entire town is either blown to hell or on fire.
A few weeks pass, and I’m about to head out on a supply run. I know most of the stores have been ransacked for anything of use by now, but we’re running short. My uncle reminds me not to grab anything that’s loose, and to only get the things that are in packages, boxes, or cans. I have a break down before I leave, and confess to Mary how much I miss pre-Apocalypse, mainly because I miss people. She’s unsympathetic.
I end up in the car with Granny driving around town. We pass by a lot of garage sales, surprisingly. I’m confused, since, after all, it is the Apocalypse. Granny is as well, and agrees that it’s strange. I figure that there must be other people out there that are trying to get things back to the way they were.
We arrive at our destination, which is a market set up in the middle of town. We get out of the car, and it’s no longer Granny that I’m with but Mary. We’re like little kids. We race to the nearest souvenir shop. I head straight for a wall that has little toys hanging on it as Mary grabs two bags from the lady who runs the place. She runs up to me and places the bag she grabbed for me on my shoulder until I take it from her. Together, we pick out little trinkets and toys and games that we want to take home with us and fill our bags up.
Two guys doing a similar thing nearby are talking badly about a girl, spreading disgusting rumors about her and calling her names. Mary comes to her defense, but they argue her down. She decides it’s not worth it to fight them, which is what I thought from the beginning- despite desperately wanting to correct them. The woman who ones the shop, who’s a bit heavy set and has dark hair, comes over to me and Mary. She’s excited to see me in the shop and says that she wants to show me something Gishwhes related in the back. I follow her, with Mary in two, to the back [which looks like the art supply store] where she tells me about a newsletter she sent out that has a picture of the shelf she’s about to show me. The shelf has the exact number of prongs as the word “Dynomite” has letters. She says that each little prong works as a perfect hanger for these little wooden letters she has. She spells out “Dynomite” with the dangling letters, and I have to admit it’s cute. I tell her that I like it and she leaves me to look at it myself. I look at the price tage of the shelf alone, and see that it’s twenty dollars. The letters are way to expensive as well, at three or so dollars per letter. It’s not worth it.
Me and Mary head back home now [my uncle and aunt’s house now]. I play a video game with my aunt and uncle that has a MechWarrior feel. It’s a game that I haven’t played in years but love very dearly. The plot of the game focuses on multiple protagonists. Our characters run down a sloping hill on a night time map toward a blocky pyramid. Here, we’ll be able to customize our character’s clothing and weapons. I ask my uncle if I’ll be able to change the gender and the features of my character, as right now I’m the generic male with cropped hair and dark olive skin. He tells me that I can- but it will cost a lot of money to do so. He explains how to divvy up the money that my character has, which cost thirty real dollars to buy. He shows me how to separate eight million to spend on customization and leave the remaining twenty-four million locked for weapons and armor. I manage to do so, with him walking me through it. [End]

Relative to Real Life~
Night of August 19th, 2015 (2 of 2)
Real-life characters: Mr. Bronivan, Mary, uncle, Granny, aunt.
Dream-created characters: People in the school, people in the class, people trying to have garage sales, people at the market, boys in the store, woman running the store.
Real-life places: School, Mr. Ficker’s room, home, streets, uncle’s house.
Dream-created places: Market, game world.
Different than real life: Mr. Bronivan never taught out of that room as far as I know, that classroom was all rearranged, Mr. Bronivan nor Mr. Ficker’s rooms were ever stacked high with books like that, the end of the world hasn’t happened yet, I haven’t talked to Mary since 2010, there isn’t a market like that in my town, I doubt there’d be garage sales during the Apocalypse.
Reoccurring: No.
Precognitive: No experiences yet.

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